Carbon Neutral

Our Why

Our commitment to the future of our industry is to ensure that the operation of our farming system can achieve sustainable farming outcomes. This commitment is practised daily throughout the management of our pastures & livestock, resulting in our carbon neutral environment whilst still maintaining production. 

Carbon neutrality requires us to remove more greenhouse gases (-CO2e) than we emit (+CO2e).

Collecting and analysing the data needed to achieve Farming Footprint™ certification means that we now understand, and can manage, our greenhouse emissions as well as how much carbon we need to sequester to balance that.

This information helps us focus on improving farm productivity and efficiency while also ensuring that we have a positive impact on the environment. 

Our carbon neutrality efforts have been verified and certified by Farming Footprint™ for the past four years.

Farming Footprint™ independently collects and analyses data across the program’s five core modules.  This data helps us to see the total emissions and removals across different parts of the company operations as well as the total greenhouse emissions and removals listed on the certificate. 

How is this measured?

  • Achieving & maintaining carbon neutrality can be challenging because of the diverse regions of Australia and the complex emission responsibility.

    As a purchaser of Mackas Pastoral cattle, becoming carbon neutral has been made easier with no Scope 3 emissions attached to any animal. Let the result of our commitment drive your herd’s achievements. 

Our commitment to the future of our industry is to ensure that the operation of our farming system can achieve sustainable farming outcomes. This commitment is practised daily throughout the management of our pastures & livestock, resulting in our carbon neutral environment whilst still maintaining production. 

Our Farming Footprint™ Certification